Before Reading Predictions

Comments: 6
  • #6

    RIGHT (Wednesday, 25 October 2023 20:29)


  • #5

    ALFREDO (Monday, 02 May 2016 21:19)

    I think it's about an spy and tracks down orther kids and his not every good at it and his proberly playing out side and in and useing his emagenations i think i might like it

  • #4

    Ben (Monday, 02 May 2016 21:18)

    I think I will like the book he is a spy's and other spy's not like him

  • #3 (Monday, 02 May 2016 21:18)

    I think?

    He goes on adventures.

    I like this book because he's name shows how funny the book is.

  • #2

    Asher (Monday, 02 May 2016 21:17)

    Timmy failure
    I think that I will like it it looks like a good book
    I think that Timmy is gowing to be about a boy that gets heart a lot of the time.

  • #1

    Alex (Monday, 02 May 2016 21:17)

    I think
    He goes on. Advancers

    I think I will like it because
    It seems funny