Where We Are in Place and Time

Central Idea: Colonisation of a country impacts on people


Lines of Inquiry:

  • Reasons for Colonisation
  • The nature and consequences of contact between indigenous peoples and settlers
  • Life in the new colony

Rabbits and Bilbies

Personal reflection

1     What was your initial reaction when you met people of the other culture?


2     How did you cope when visiting the other culture? What worked? What didn't work?


3     How did you respond to visitors when they visited your culture?



Indigenous Map

Indigenous Art

Museum Excursion Reflection

Comments: 66
  • #66

    Aubrey (Tuesday, 19 March 2024 22:32)


  • #65

    ._. (Wednesday, 22 September 2021 21:53)


  • #64

    Ryan (Monday, 20 September 2021 21:58)


    don't worry masterpiece fixed
    decode in base 64

  • #63

    Ethan fraser (Sunday, 19 September 2021 19:42)

    IT was me sorry

  • #62

    Archer (Sunday, 19 September 2021 19:29)

    Boi what the hell boi ur capping

  • #61

    Marcus (Sunday, 19 September 2021 19:28)


  • #60

    ARCHER RESPONDS TO BRUHMOMENT (MARCUS) (Sunday, 19 September 2021 19:27)

    Marcus wtf

  • #59

    BRUHMOMENT (Sunday, 19 September 2021 19:20)


  • #58

    BRUH (Sunday, 19 September 2021 19:18)


  • #57

    Ryan (Sunday, 19 September 2021 19:18)


    decode this in base 64 it is a masterpiece

  • #56

    Marcus (Sunday, 19 September 2021)


    Translate into base64 (:

  • #55

    Archer Schunke (Sunday, 12 September 2021 23:46)

    translate keys cow into Filipino

  • #54

    Harry Morton (Sunday, 12 September 2021 23:45)

    I suck his d*ck with a smile for hours at a time
    Stare at his n*tsack while I hold back my c*m tonight
    (And when they ask me what position I say, "D*ggystyle")
    But the fact is
    I can never get off of his fat d*ck
    "I just wanna smack it" (I just wanna smack it)

  • #53

    Seb De Savi (Sunday, 12 September 2021 23:38)

    actually guys JK haha lol guys just for laughs, just for goofs /ns haha XD lol guys

    This is definitely not Marcus

  • #52

    Seb De Savi (Sunday, 12 September 2021 23:37)

    I want g*y black midget p*rn

  • #51

    umm (Friday, 10 September 2021 00:34)


  • #50

    Ryan Schuurmans (Thursday, 09 September 2021 20:11)

    Hey guys, sorry I can't talk right now im too busy playing nutak* games

  • #49

    conversation at archers house (Thursday, 09 September 2021 20:10)

    your d***s as big as the house

    look who's getting crushed

    il eat my way out if i have to

  • #48

    Marcus = sussy man (Thursday, 09 September 2021 20:08)

    Marcus is capping and saying that cos its his weird f***sh

  • #47

    Archer Schunke (Thursday, 09 September 2021 20:06)

    I once decided to take off all of my clothes except my undies and rub myself against asher pelling. I got a giant BONE IF YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN btw. (JK JK JK HAHA HAHA)

  • #46

    Marcus Quarisa (Thursday, 09 September 2021 20:05)


  • #45

    Marcus Quarisa (Thursday, 09 September 2021 20:02)

    Im a gay virgin

  • #44

    Josiah Ninan (Thursday, 09 September 2021 19:52)

    I am deeply in love with bald people

  • #43

    Someone (Tuesday, 16 May 2017 01:53)


  • #42

    Josiah (Wednesday, 02 November 2016 01:11)

    Thomas Akers
    Crime highway robbery
    Ship Charlotte
    sentence 7 years
    travelled with 13 other convicts

  • #41

    Carlos.R (Tuesday, 01 November 2016 23:42)

    I learned a lot of things in the museum.
    One of those is that when karrner made the shield out of bark and when they made it. They won'td the spears to go through it.When the Europeans Came they showed the Aboriginals metal and wool.

  • #40

    Leach (Tuesday, 01 November 2016 15:54)

    If a family steels from another family they will arrange a fight.
    I leaned that there are 2000 Kauran left.
    I leaned that when it is winter the Aboriginals and the animals walk to Adelaide Hills and they live in caves to keep the rain way and the cold.

  • #39

    Ashleigh (Tuesday, 01 November 2016 02:33)

    Today I learnt that the ganapeople didn't use boomerangs till the Europeans came.Also that in the schools they used dot paintings to put on there doors in there class room so they could remember the stories.

  • #38

    Ellie (Tuesday, 01 November 2016 02:32)

    Did you know that there were only 2,000 Kaurna people. The Aboriginals never fought over land they would fight if someone stole something from their family and they would make a shield for the fight and after the fight they would throw out the shield. The shields were made out of bark because it was soft but brittle. The Kaurna people would stay near the beach in summer because there were sand dunes and behind the sand dunes there were like little dams with animals. In the winter the Aboriginals would move to the Adelaide hills and stay in caves because the animals from the dams moved to caves because it was more sheltered. The Europeans brought diseases with them to Australia that the Aboriginals weren't immunes to and they got very sick and some people died. The Kaurna people would trade with the Maccasans and the Aboriginals and they would trade sea cucumbers for glass that they put on the end of their spears because the glass was sharper than other materials that they had. I learnt that boomerangs are like new technology to the Kaurna people. There used to be 300 different Aboriginal languages but know there are 60.

  • #37

    Chloe (Tuesday, 01 November 2016 01:28)

    I learnt that the Maccansens traded glass for seacucumbers from the aboriginals so that the Maccansens could eat the seacucumbers and the aboriginals made tools out of the glass because the glass was the sharpest thing they had.

  • #36

    Angus (Tuesday, 01 November 2016 01:06)

    I leant that it was had to get Artefacts from the Kaunra people because there was only 2,000 Kaurna people and the settles were not interested in the Artefacts all they were interested in was building cities and buildings.The leader of the group would wear a band with two feathers on their head.The person on the 50 dollar was the first Aboriginal to write and publish a book.The was 300 languages before the settles came now the is 60 languages left. The Aboriginals traded with the Europeans the Europeans traded sugar the Aboriginals ate the sugar and got cavities and diseases.When the Europeans came to Australia they had diseases when they met the Aboriginals the Aboriginals got those diseases and some Aboriginals died cause of it.The Nutengeri people taught the Europeans how to weave and then the Europeans taught other Aboriginals in the north.

  • #35

    Lachlan K (Tuesday, 01 November 2016 00:43)

    I learnt a lot of things at the Museum.I learnt that the Macassons traded glass with the Aboriginals so they could make weapons out of it.I learnt that the Aboriginals didn't just use natural resources they used metal that the Europeans brought.

  • #34

    Kiara (Tuesday, 01 November 2016 00:33)

    Did you know that there used to be 300 Aboriginal languages but now there is only 60. That when the Aboriginal people traded for glass & they used it for heads of the spears because it light & sharp. The Aboriginal people also had bets that haD lots of proposes for example the belts were used for belts, fishing nets & a backpack & the most important person from the group should where the belt. The Kaurna people didn't fight over land they fort over family issues instead & they arranged for the fight to happen. In the Aboriginal people's shelters they made painting so that the children can learn the Aboriginal traditional stories, When the Europeans Came they thought that the Aboriginals painting were beautiful so they gave them a flat piece of bark so they could paint paintings for them. The Europeans introduced sugar to the Aboriginal people but didn't give them instructions so they got decay, cavitys and diseases. The Europeans brought the common cold with them to Australia which led some Aboriginal people to death & the Aboriginals thought that this was a very serious thing, also it lead to death because they didn't have any medicines or a pharmacy near them they only had their natural resorces.

  • #33

    Allana (Monday, 31 October 2016 23:50)

    I learnt that the Aboriginal people used to trade sea cucumber for glass. The Aboriginal people used glass for the top of spspears. In winter the Aboriginal people went up to the hills and in summer they stay in the cost.

  • #32

    Wil M (Monday, 31 October 2016 23:47)

    I learned that the guy on the fifty dollar note is a Aboriginal. He got on there by being the first Aboriginal author to publish a book. 20 Story's For Aboriginal Children. I learned that the kaurna people didn't use boomerangs until they met other groups. I found out that they only fought about family matters like if another family stole something then they'd organize a fight and made shields right before the fight, they threw them away after they had finished with it.

  • #31

    Will S. (Monday, 31 October 2016 23:46)

    I learnt that the Aboriginals traded with the Europeans so they can get sugar, but the Europeans didn't warn them that they could get tooth decay and other diseases if they didn't brush their teeth. Also I learnt that some Aboriginals didn't use boomerangs until the Europeans came to Australia. They also traded sea cucumbers with the Macassans so they could get glass for spears because it was very sharp and it was light.

  • #30

    Arion (Monday, 31 October 2016 23:45)

    I leant that some of the materials on earth weren't found by the Aboriginals on earth until some of the Europeans and the first settlers arrived. Another thing I learnt was that sugar to the Aboriginals was a very rich thing to eat and the Aboriginals liked it soo much that they ate it a lot of the time and because they ate it so much their teeth began to rot and led to teeth decay. They traded with the Macassans to get glass for their weapons because glass was a very sharp tool.

  • #29

    Ava (Monday, 31 October 2016 23:45)

    I learnt that the Aboriginals didn't fight over land they fighted if another Aboriginal stills from another.Did you know there was only 2,000 Kaurna people in Adelaide. I also learnt that there was barely any white furred animals. I learnt that the Aboriginals didn't just use earth materials there also used metal and glass.

  • #28

    Archie (Monday, 31 October 2016 23:45)

    I learnt that the Macassans traded glass with the Aboriginals the Aboriginals used the glass for arrow heads and sphere heads. The Europeans liked the Aboriginals art but it was stuck on the walls of their shelters and they did not want to wreck their shelters so they gave the Aboriginals square and flat pieces of bark to do their art on. The farmers traded with the aboriginals and gave them sugar the Aboriginals did not know that sugar was bad so they got bad problems with their body like getting decade on their teeth.

  • #27

    Sam (Monday, 31 October 2016 23:44)

    I learnt that some of the early explorers had to use their camels as food and then they didn't need the harnesses so they left the harness behind and the Aboriginal people used the metal as axes.

    In northern Australia some of the Aboriginal people the metal from 44 gallon drums to make masks for ceremonies and plays.

    There are barely any native animals that had white hair or fur

  • #26

    Ella Ce (Monday, 31 October 2016 23:43)

    I learnt that there used to be 300 Aboriginal languages but now there is only 60. That when the Aboriginal people traded for glass they used it for heads of the spears they made. Also the Aboriginal people had bets that had more than 1 purpose for example the belts were used for belts, fishing nets & a backpack. The Kaurna people didn't fight over land they fort over family issues instead. In the Aboriginal people's shelters they made painting so that the children can learn the Aboriginal traditional stories. When the Europeans. Came they thought that the Aboriginals painting were beautiful so they gave them a flat piece of bark so they could paint paintings for them. The Europeans introduced sugar to the Aboriginal people but didn't give them instructions so they got decay, cavitys and diseases. The Europeans brought the common cold with them to Australia which led some Aboriginal people to death.

  • #25

    Konrad k (Monday, 31 October 2016 23:42)

    I learned that the Aboriginals made belts bake in the day out of hair,string and reeds.
    Something that I really enjoyed was the first stage of the excursion where the man told us about what the Aboriginals would dress up like and how their hair would have grown.
    He also tought us about how many languages there were when the aboriginals were around and there were 300! and know there's only 60.
    The Garna people made their shields out of bark which was brittle.
    I liked going to the museum and learning about new things on aboriginals.

  • #24

    Violet (Monday, 31 October 2016 23:41)

    I learnt that the Aboriginal people don't only use materials from the earth, but they also trade to get materials like glass. I also learnt that they made their shields out of bark because after the fights they didn't need the them any more so they were disposable. Did you know that there were barley any animals with white fur!

  • #23

    Hudson (Monday, 31 October 2016 23:38)

    Each artwork had a story behind it and that and that the tin masks aren't locally made they where found products and they didn't fight of land they fought over family issues. The shields where made out of bark to protect themselves from spears but after the would make a fire out of them. Kaurna people don't have a lot of artifacts facts because the settlers didn't care about the artifacts they worried about building a small cottage so that's why there is not much artifacts

  • #22

    Mya (Monday, 31 October 2016 23:38)

    At the museum excursion today I learnt that for shields the garner people use bark and they fight with them and then after the fight they would put them in the bin. I also learnt that the fights would be about taking things of someone else's and steeling it. The groups would talk to each other and they would plan the fights so every one new where the fight was when it would start and they would know when they needed a new shield for the fights. The shields where really only for protecting them selves from being shot by spears and you would cover yourselfe with the shield and put the spear in the shield not your body. This is what I learnt at the museum excursion I had lots of fun and learnt a lot!

  • #21

    Indiana (Monday, 31 October 2016 23:37)

    I leant that the aboriginal people traded sea coucumbers for glass with the Makassan Traders. I also leant that there shields were made of bark because the spears wouldn't go through them it would go through the bark. He also told us that most other things that the aboriginal people made were made of bark wood a lot more things.

  • #20

    Ella ch (Monday, 31 October 2016 23:37)

    Today I learnt about how Aborigonials don't have bright colors like we have don't have glass and to get glass they had to trade with another colture and learnt each other's languages and what they do. Today gave me the time to learn about Aborigonials and there colture and there life style. Today was a great day and I wanna do it again.


  • #19

    David (Monday, 31 October 2016 23:36)

    I learned that the Aboriginals traded with the Makassans to get glass which was the used on spear heads. I also learned that the Kauna people arranged fights if someone does something to someone that the person they did it to doesn't like. Another thing I learned that the shields they used in those fights were made of bark so the shields would become brittle afterwards. One more thing I learned was the different communities shared inventions so each community had an even number of tools and weapons.

  • #18

    Lucien (Monday, 31 October 2016 23:35)

    I learnt that the Aboriginals had shields made of bark and they only used their shields once then they would use it for something else like put it in the fire. It was very rare to find these artifacts. Firstly it was from a very long time ago. Lastly they use the shields for other things so it would be rare. I learnt that the Makassan Traders traded metal which was useful, glass for spears and other things and sugar which was not useful at all.

  • #17

    Alex G (Monday, 31 October 2016 23:34)

    I learned that a belt could transform into 2 things that were a fishing net and a backpack,I also learnt that shields were made out of bark and they sometimes use them for ceremonies and fights after the ceremonie and fight they would throw the bark out or use it for a camp fire.I never knew that they organised the fight with the pepole they were going to fight against.

Convicts on the First Fleet

Search for convicts here

Comments: 37
  • #37

    Josiah Ninan (Monday, 19 September 2022 19:48)

    I am an avid player of the hit game Roblox furry simulator roleplay 18+

  • #36

    Lisa Siviour (Sunday, 12 September 2021 23:40)

    my favourite thing to watch is gay black midget amogus sh*ta p*rn

  • #35

    eeeee (Thursday, 09 September 2021 19:05)


  • #34

    Alfredo (Wednesday, 02 November 2016 06:31)

    Name: Samuel Hall
    Occupation: carpenter
    Sentenced: life
    Ship: the prince of Wales

  • #33

    Henry (Wednesday, 02 November 2016 04:37)

    Name of convict: Samuel Hall
    Age when sentenced: -
    Crime: Burglary
    Sentence: Life
    Ship: Prince of Wales
    Other Information: Convicted at Midlesex Gaol Delivery, date of arrival 22nd of January 1788

  • #32

    Emerson (Wednesday, 02 November 2016 04:22)

    Name of convict:Richard Lane
    Age when sentenced:1784
    Crime:stealing a watch
    Sentence: 7 years

  • #31

    Ben (Wednesday, 02 November 2016 04:22)

    Name: Of convict John Silverthorn

    Age: When sentenced 24 years

    Crime: Assault/highway robbery with a value of 150 shillings

    Sentenced: To seven years

    Ship: The Alexander

    Other information: Married to Mary Wickham

    Died: 1829, 66 years of age with one son.

  • #30

    Christa S (Wednesday, 02 November 2016 04:11)

    Name of convict: Charlotte ware
    Age when sentenced: 77
    Crime: Assult and attempted robbery
    Sentence: 7
    Ship: Friendship
    Other information:Convicted at old bailey. Birth 1762. Death 18th February 1839.

  • #29

    Christa S (Wednesday, 02 November 2016 03:56)

    Name of convict: Elizabeth Harvey
    Nationality: English
    Age when sentenced: 31
    Crime: Burglary
    Sentence: 14 years
    Ship: Friendship
    Other information: birth 1757. Death 8th June 1788. Convicted at suffolk bury st edmunds assizes.

  • #28

    Alex (Wednesday, 02 November 2016 03:55)

    Ship:Prince of Wales
    Crime:shop lifting
    Sentence:7 years
    Name:Mary Martin
    Conflict:Middlesex gaol delivery

  • #27

    Alex (Wednesday, 02 November 2016 03:40)

    Name:Elizabeth Clark
    Crime:Stole clothing
    Sentence:7 years
    Birth year:1767
    Death:4th September 1788
    Traveled with:101 other pepole

  • #26

    Angelle (Wednesday, 02 November 2016 02:31)

    Name of convict: Elizabeth Thackery
    Age when sentenced: 89 years old
    Crime: stealing a handkerchief
    Sentence: 7 years
    Ship: friendship
    Other info: arrival date: 21st January 1788

  • #25

    Angelle (Wednesday, 02 November 2016 02:13)

    Name of convict: Mary Wickham
    Age when sentenced: 35 years old
    Crime: receiving stolen property
    Sentence: 14 years
    Ship: Charlotte
    Other info: arrival date: 22nd January, 1788

  • #24

    Indiana (Wednesday, 02 November 2016 01:55)

    Name of convict: Charlotte Ware
    Crime: Assault and attempted robbery
    Sentence: 7 years
    Age when sentenced: unknown
    Ship: Friendship
    Passengers mani: Travelled with 101 other convicts
    Date of death 18th February

  • #23

    Indiana (Wednesday, 02 November 2016 01:33)

    Name of convict: John King
    Crime: Robbery with violence
    Sentence: 10 years
    Age when sentenced: Unknown
    Ship: Friendship
    Date of death: 1838
    Arrival date: 21st January,1788

  • #22

    Mya (Wednesday, 02 November 2016 01:18)

    Name of convict: John Hudson
    Age when sentenced: 13 years old
    Crime: Stealing
    Sentence: 7 years
    Ship: Friendship
    Other information: There gender is male, his date of birth is the 1774,his occupation was chimney sweeper, he was convicted at old Bailey, he died in 1787 13th of May and arrived in 1788 21st of January so he never actually made. It all the way.

  • #21

    Josiah (Wednesday, 02 November 2016 01:12)

    Thomas Akers
    Crime highway robbery
    Ship Charlotte
    sentence 7 years
    travelled with 13 other convicts

  • #20

    Wil Y (Wednesday, 02 November 2016 01:10)

    Name of Convict: William Ayres
    Crime: Highway Robbery
    Ship: Freindship
    Sentence: 7 years
    Age when sentenced: 24

  • #19

    Marcus (Wednesday, 02 November 2016 01:10)

    Name Henry
    Age when sentenced: 30
    Crime stealing
    sentence 7 years
    Ship friendship
    Other information died 60

  • #18

    Archer (Wednesday, 02 November 2016 01:02)

    Name:Esther Abrahams
    Nationality: English
    Crime: stealing
    Age when scentanced 7 years old
    Scentance:term 7 years
    Convict:old Bailey
    Ship: price of Wales
    Other info:Esther married George Jhonston

  • #17

    David (Wednesday, 02 November 2016 00:58)

    Convict Name: John Small
    Crime: Assault and Theft
    Age When Sentenced: Unknown
    Sentence: 7 Years
    Ship: Charlotte
    Other Information: Travelled With 13 Convicts

  • #16

    Armand (Wednesday, 02 November 2016 00:50)

    Name:William Ayres
    Crime:highway robbery
    Sentence term:7 years
    Ship:friend ship

  • #15

    Nikolas (Wednesday, 02 November 2016 00:50)

    Elizabeth Adams she took the ship prince of wales. her crime was abuse. Her sentence term was for life. She was 36 when she was sentenced. She was a baker and she was from England.

  • #14

    Wil Y (Wednesday, 02 November 2016 00:48)

    Name of convict: George Youngson
    Nationality: British
    Crime: Breaking and entering and stealing
    Sentence: For life
    Boat: Prince Of Wales
    Other Info: Male

  • #13

    Mya (Wednesday, 02 November 2016 00:42)

    Name of convict: Frances Hart
    Age when sentenced: 5 years old
    Crime: Receiving stolen property
    Sentence: 7 years
    Ship: Friendship
    Other information: There gender is female, her date of birth is 1753

  • #12

    Bella (Wednesday, 02 November 2016 00:39)

    Name: Thomas Hannon
    Sentence: 7 yrs
    Ship: Anson
    Nationality: British

  • #11

    Sienna. P (Wednesday, 02 November 2016 00:34)

    Simon Burn
    Name of convict: Simon Burn
    Age when sentenced: 37
    Crime: Highway robbery
    Sentence: 7 years

  • #10

    Harry (Wednesday, 02 November 2016 00:15)

    Age 34
    Ship Charlotte
    Sentence term 14 years
    Crime reciving stolen property
    Name Mary wickham

  • #9

    Alex (Tuesday, 01 November 2016 23:44)

    Name:Charlotte Ware
    Crime:Assault and attempted robbery
    Sentence:7 years

  • #8

    Bella (Tuesday, 01 November 2016 23:43)

    Name of Convict: Isabella Oldfield Ship: Frienship

    Crime: Stealing Nationality: British

    Sentence: 7 yrs Other Imformation: Departure Date is 13 May 1787
    Arrival Date is 21 Jan 1788

  • #7

    Harry (Tuesday, 01 November 2016 23:43)

    Convict Henry Taylor
    Ship friend ship
    Age when sentenced 7
    Sentence7 years
    Crime stealing

  • #6

    Archer (Tuesday, 01 November 2016 23:42)

    Name Mary Pinder
    Crime robbery
    Scentance 7 years
    Ship prince of Wales
    Other information she was born in 1766 departure date April 1788

  • #5

    David (Tuesday, 01 November 2016 23:41)

    Name: John Herbert
    Crime: Highway Robbery
    Age When Sentenced: 17
    Sentence: 7 Years
    Ship: Charlotte
    Other Information: Occupation: Dealer

  • #4

    Marco (Tuesday, 01 November 2016 23:40)

    Name Of Convict: John Silverthorn
    Nationality: British
    Age When Sentanced: 24
    Crime: Assualt/Highway Robbery
    Sentance: 7 Years
    Ship: Alexander
    Other information: Occupation: Weaver

  • #3

    Maddie (Tuesday, 01 November 2016 23:38)

    Elizabeth barber
    Age when sentenced 7years old
    Crime: assault and robbery
    Convicted at old bailey
    Depture date 13th of may 1787
    Arrival place NSW

  • #2

    James (Tuesday, 01 November 2016 23:37)

    Name of Convict: Elizabeth Cook
    Nationality: British
    Age When Sentenced: N.A.
    Crime: Stealing
    Sentence: Life Sentence

  • #1

    Emerson (Tuesday, 01 November 2016 23:36)

    Name of convict:John Silverthorn
    Age when sentenced:24
    Crime:Assault/highway robbery
    Sentence:7 years
    Other information: married