If the World Were a Village


21 speak a Chinese Dialect - of these 16 speak Mandarin

9 speak English

9 speak Hindi

7 speak Spanish

4 speak Arabic

4 Speak Bengali

3 speak Portuguese

3 speak Russian



  1. How many more people speak  a Chinese dialect than English?
  2. How many people speak English, Portuguese and Spanish?
  3. How many people speak a Chinese dialect that is not Mandarin?
  4. How many people in the village of 100 are represented in this information?
  5. How many people speak a language that is different to the ones mentioned above?

Write a question related to the Languages information in the guestbook below

Comments: 4
  • #4

    Sienna (Tuesday, 01 March 2016 00:32)

    How many Christians than Jewish
    How many Buddhists than non folk religions

  • #3

    Ella (Monday, 29 February 2016 18:36)

    how many more people are left in the world?

  • #2

    Harrym (Sunday, 28 February 2016 22:04)

    How many more do Cristian's have then Muslims

  • #1

    Edward R (Sunday, 28 February 2016 21:58)

    How much people speak Chinese dialect English and Spanish?


32 are Christians

20 are Muslims

14 are Hindus

9 practice Shamanism, animism and other folk religions

6 are Buddhists

2 belong to other global religions such as Baha'i faith

Confusianism, Shintoism, Sikhism or Janism

1 is Jewish

16 are non- religious


  1. How many more people are Christian than Buddhists?
  2. How many people follow the three most popular religions?
  3. How many people follow a religion?
  4. How many people in the village of 100 are not Christian?
  5. How many people are not Muslims?

Write a question related to the Religion information in the guestbook below

Comments: 8
  • #8

    Mya (Monday, 29 February 2016 18:34)

    how many more peaple are folk religions than other global religions?

  • #7

    David (Monday, 29 February 2016 00:20)

    How many more people are buddhists than Jewish people

  • #6

    Isabella =] (Sunday, 28 February 2016 23:36)

    How many more people are there that are non religious than folk religions

  • #5

    Alfredo (Sunday, 28 February 2016 22:05)

    how many peaple are not hindo

  • #4

    Maddie (Sunday, 28 February 2016 22:05)

    How many more Christian people the hidus?

  • #3

    Jemima (Sunday, 28 February 2016 22:02)

    How many people aren't Christians or Hindus?

  • #2

    Indi (Sunday, 28 February 2016 22:02)

    How many more people are Muslims then Buddhists

  • #1

    Wil Y (Sunday, 28 February 2016 21:57)

    How many people aren't Christian


9  are children under age 5

9 are children between 5 and 9

18 are between 10 and 19

17 are between 20 and 29

15 are between 30 and 39

12 are between 40 and 49

9 are between 50 and 59

6 are between 60 and 69

4 are between 70 and 79

1 is over 79



  1. What is the most common age group?
  2. What is the least common age group?
  3. How many people are over 40?
  4. How many people are younger than 20?
  5. How many people are in your age group?

Write a question related to the Ages information in the guestbook below

Comments: 4
  • #4

    Christa S (Monday, 29 February 2016 03:05)

    How many people are younger the 70

  • #3

    Lucien (Sunday, 28 February 2016 22:02)

    How many people are 10 to seventy years old

  • #2

    James (Sunday, 28 February 2016 21:59)

    How many people are 19 - 50 years old?

  • #1

    Archer (Sunday, 28 February 2016 21:51)

    How many people are under 50?


31 sheep and goats

23 cows, bull and oxen

15 pigs

3 camels

2 horses

189 chickens